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Saturday, November 16, 2019

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Date : 1998-04-03

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Antipattern Wikipedia ~ An antipattern is a common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective and risks being highly counterproductive

AntiPatterns ~ AntiPatterns are an exciting new form of expert software knowledge a Dilbertlike extension to design patterns

AntiPatterns William J Brown 9780471197133 ~ Commonly observed the Analysis Paralysis is an antipattern for large projects and cause the major problems in management The book is the evidence to the existence of very annoying problems that frecuently are omited and its consequences are disasterous I think its recommended to management and engineering professionals

What is an antipattern Agile Alliance ~ Antipatterns are common solutions to common problems where the solution is ineffective and may result in undesired consequences  An antipattern is different from bad practice when It is a common practice that initially looks like an appropriate solution by ends up having bad consequences that outweigh any benefits

Software Development AntiPatterns SourceMaking ~ Software Development AntiPatterns Good software structure is essential for system extension and maintenance Software development is a chaotic activity therefore the implemented structure of systems tends to stray from the planned structure as determined by architecture analysis and design

AntiPatterns Wikipedia ~ AntiPatterns Refactoring Software Architectures and Projects in Crisis is a book about antipatterns specific repeated practices in software architecture software design and software project management that initially appear to be beneficial but ultimately result in bad consequences that outweigh hopedfor advantages

9 AntiPatterns Every Programmer Should Be Aware Of ~ A healthy dose of selfcriticism is fundamental to professional and personal growth When it comes to programming this sense of selfcriticism requires an ability to detect unproductive or counterproductive patterns in design code processes and behaviour This is why knowledge of antipatterns is very useful for any programmer

7 ScrumMaster Antipatterns That Every ScrumMaster Must ~ 7 SCRUMMASTER ANTIPATTERNS Greetings In a previous blog post I touched on Product Owner Agile Scrum Antipatterns This blog post will be dedicated the common ScrumMaster Antipatterns Like before I will point out problems and suggest small steps take to correct those problems Scrum Master instead of project manager

27 Sprint AntiPatterns Holding Back Scrum Teams ~ TL DR 27 Sprint AntiPatterns Holding Back Scrum Teams The sprint yet another scrum event where you can find plenty of sprint antipatterns to make your life as a scrum team harder than necessary


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